
A Comprehensive Guide for Scrum Practitioners

Agile frameworks, like Scrum, are not just collections of rituals and processes. They’re underpinned by principles designed to deliver quality products and/or services that solve customer problems and meet their needs. Each aspect of the Sprint event in Scrum is a manifestation of these Agile principles, acting as a purposeful step toward achieving the desired

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The Agile Mindset Shift From Doing Agile to Being Agile Part 2

The Agile Mindset Shift: From Doing Agile to Being Agile Part 2

Building on our post “The Agile Mindset Shift: From Doing Agile to Being Agile” [link to Part 1 post] in our Agile series, we now explore the six remaining principles of the Agile Manifesto. For each principle, we provide practical applications and desired outcomes aimed at accelerating value delivery and enhancing customer satisfaction.

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The Agile Mindset Shift From Doing Agile to Being Agile Part 1

The Agile Mindset Shift: From Doing Agile to Being Agile

Welcome to the second installment of our “Is Agile Dead” blog series. After exploring the importance of the agile mindset for organizations to achieve business agility, this post delves deeper into the transformation from merely “doing Agile” to truly “being Agile.” It highlights how the diverse Agile frameworks, specifically Scrum, have evolved to uphold the core intent of the twelve principles outlined in the Agile Manifesto.

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5-Minute Hack Super Achievers Use to Crush Their Goals

5-Minute Hack Super Achievers Use to Crush Their Goals

(It’s Not What You Think!)

Feeling like your goals are galaxies away and your to-do list is a monster you can’t slay? Yeah, me too!

But listen up, because I’m about to share a secret weapon that I discovered, a hidden gem from the world of project management that can transform your daily routine: The Daily Stand-Up.
Now, hold on a sec. You might be thinking, “Isn’t that some techie thing with people in hoodies huddling around a whiteboard?” Nope! We’re about to unleash the power of the Daily Stand-Up for your life goals.
Imagine you’re the CEO of Your Amazing Life Inc. You have these incredible goals and multi-million dollar projects that you’re determined to see through.
So, how does this Daily Stand-Up for Life Goals work? It’s surprisingly simple, and the best part, it only takes 5 minutes of your precious morning. ⏰

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Hallucinations of LLM

Navigating the Paradox of LLM Hallucinations

Peering into the looking glass of artificial intelligence (AI), we’re often cautioned about the “hallucinations” that Language Learning Models (LLMs) might produce. And yes, while it’s a concern worth acknowledging, I’m here to guide you through a compelling argument that LLM hallucinations, often decried, aren’t all that bad. In fact, they might just be the

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Thin Line: Leading without Diminishing

The Thin Line: Leading without Diminishing

Just like a vine overshadowing a sprout, well-intentioned leaders can inadvertently hinder their team’s growth and autonomy, becoming unintentional barriers to success. In Liz Wiseman’s “social,” these leaders are identified as Accidental Diminishers. Dive into the third installment of our Multiplier (by Liz Wiseman’s book) series for insights on avoiding this common pitfall.  Find our

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A Day In A Life

A Day In A Life

TPM, Scrum Master, portfolio management. Although I’ve been living and breathing this world these past several years, it may all sound like jargon to you. I would have never imagined that I would be in the position that I’m in today. Why? Well, I was extremely shy in college and dreaded any class that revolved around participation points or Socratic discussion. I could go on, but that’s a tale for another day…

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Evolving Towards Being a Multiplier Leader

Evolving Towards Being a Multiplier Leader

What is a Multiplier? Leadership has been, and will always be, a topic of fascination and debate. The traditional model of top-down control is being challenged by a new era of collaborative leadership that amplifies the collective intelligence within teams. Enter the era of the Multiplier leader: a visionary who not only adds value but also expands the capabilities and potential of their team members.

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Real-Life Application of Em Campbell-Pretty's Tribal Unity

Real-Life Application of Em Campbell-Pretty’s Tribal Unity

Imagine an agile team where everyone feels and works together as one tribe: a family that rows in unison toward one direction, which leads to exceptional productivity. Sadly, only 2% of US organizations have achieved this level of delivery, as exemplified by the likes of Olympic gold medal teams and Apple Macintosh.

Campbell-Pretty outlines the essential elements required to build effective and motivated tribes.

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For Auld Lang Syne

For Auld Lang Syne

It’s 10:34 pm and I’m sitting at my younger sister’s house and trying to figure out what to say. It’s been an intriguing year. A lot has happened, and a lot didn’t happen either. I ask myself, what am I supposed to be feeling? At peace? Hopeful? Thankful? If anything, I’m a bit anxious… The

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Advancing AI Capabilities with Responsibility

Advancing AI Capabilities with Responsibility

Each organization has the flexibility to define their guiding principles and shape their own responsible AI framework. However, what matters most is putting these principles into practice, despite the complexities of AI solutions.

Overall, AI holds immense potential for improving our lives. However, it must be used with ethics and responsibility in mind. By adopting frameworks and prioritizing guiding principles, we can harness the power of AI while safeguarding against its potential harm.

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