Building Resilience: How to Bounce Back from Setbacks and Challenges

Building Resilience: How to Bounce Back from Setbacks and Challenges

Life is a grand adventure, much like the stories we find in books and movies. Just like the heroic characters we admire, we embark on our journeys in pursuit of our dreams and goals. For example, take Frodo Baggins from The Lord of the Rings, one of my favorite books. He couldn’t destroy the one ring all by himself. He needed the help of his friends and the Fellowship of the Ring. Together, they faced countless obstacles and remained steadfast in their mission.

And just like Frodo, you have your own epic story to fulfill. You are the main character in your own narrative, which is filled with thrilling adventures, challenges, and setbacks. The key to success is recognizing that you don’t have to do it alone. Instead, seek support from others as you navigate through the ups and downs of your journey. Each hurdle you overcome brings you closer to your purpose and ultimate goal. Indeed, you won’t succeed in every adventure, but each experience builds resilience and confidence within you. This fuels your drive to move forward and complete your journey on your terms.

In this post, I want to share my own epic story with you. Through my personal and professional journey, I’ve encountered various trials and tribulations that have shaped me into the resilient person I am today.

Spoiler alert: my story is still a work in progress. As I reflect on this new year, I can’t help but look back at my humble beginnings as an antivirus software engineer at Trend Micro and where I am now as a proud business owner of While I may not have reached my ultimate goal just yet, I can confidently say that I’ve come a long way. Along this path, I’ve experienced tremendous growth and countless valuable lessons. These experiences have made me stronger and more resilient than ever.

Chapter 1: Pursuing a Career as a Fresh Graduate

Recently, I met with my university classmates to celebrate our anniversary since graduating all those years ago. It brought back memories of that special day filled with hope and excitement for the future. At the time, armed with a computer science degree and honors, I believed I would easily secure a great job. However, the reality was quite different as I faced rejection after rejection.

Thanks to the unwavering support and encouragement of my family, I didn’t give up. Eventually, I received a job offer from Trend Micro. It seemed like a happily ever after, but reality hit hard. The work didn’t align with my strengths and interests, leading me to become a low-performing employee. I even had to take remedial classes to improve my skills.

Just as I was ready to give up and go back home, a conversation with one of my managers changed everything. He was a former professor who had transitioned into the tech industry. Although his advice was initially hard to hear, it was invaluable. He urged me to explore other areas, both within and outside the organization, that aligned with my interests and personality. I realized that I loved technology but also craved human interaction. At that time, my job was isolating and demanding and consisted of 13-hour night shifts.

With the support of my manager and a glimmer of hope, I decided to find another opportunity and pursue higher studies by obtaining an MBA. After three different jobs, I finally found a role that perfectly matched my skills. I joined a professional services team, working directly with Trade Finance clients across Southeast Asia. Here, I could utilize both my formal training and social skills, which breathe new life into my career.

Chapter 2: Migrating to a New Country

And my story didn’t end there. A few years later, I made the bold decision to seek greener pastures in the West. I thought to myself, “How hard could it be? I have an impressive educational background and years of experience in IT. Plus, IT is a universal field with no need for additional certifications, right?”

Little did I know that migrating to a new country would be like hitting the reset button on my career. Suddenly, my qualifications and foreign education became potential drawbacks when applying for jobs. I hit a career-low and began questioning my decision. As my savings dwindled, I even contemplated giving up my resident status and returning home.

But here’s the twist: I didn’t give up. I persevered through those challenging months, pushing beyond my self-doubt. I discovered new strategies, sought assistance from job search coaches, and adjusted my approach. And eventually, my determination paid off. I found a new role that aligned with my skills and experiences, which proved that resilience and adaptability are the keys to success.

Chapter 3: Embracing Motherhood

After deciding to take a few years off to focus on motherhood, I thought it would be easy to jump back into my professional career. But boy, was I wrong! The industry had evolved, and I had to recalibrate. Each job interview turned into a discussion about the gap in my career rather than my qualifications.

Facing setback after setback, I questioned my decision to take time off. But then I reached out to other parents who had done the same, and they provided the support and inspiration I needed. Some chose to stay home, while others successfully reintegrated into the professional world. They showed me that I wasn’t alone and that there was still hope.

Instead of dwelling on my struggles, I focused on excelling in my current role and seizing opportunities to learn and network. This mindset shift led to recognition and success. I was given the chance to lead a team and even stumbled upon an unexpected opportunity to start my own business.

Chapter 4: Being an Entrepreneur

Venturing into entrepreneurship was a whole new challenge. The first year was tough with no clients and a drain on my personal savings. Just as I was about to abandon my dreams, fate intervened. Someone noticed my past volunteer work and offered me a lifeline. 

Being a business owner comes with its own risks and uncertainties. Looking back, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Building relationships with clients and fellow entrepreneurs has been very rewarding. Although there will always be obstacles, disappointment, and doubters, I trust that there are good people out there who will support me.

As I continue to write my epic story, I realize that life is full of adventures. It’s not always easy, and the key is to keep pushing forward even if we don’t have all the answers or resources. So, I ask you: how’s your own epic story unfolding? Who is accompanying you on your journey? And how do you tackle the challenges along the way?

Remember, life is a series of adventures, and achieving our goals takes hard work, time, and effort. With determination and the support of others, we can overcome anything. So, let the next chapter of your epic story begin. And if you need a little push, we’re here for you.

If you are thinking about what to do next, don’t forget to check out our How to find a hobby. 

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